Environment and Preservation Updates


A project advisory committee was formed 3-4 years ago to study options for repurposing the Lake Ontario State Parkway (LOSP) to optimize maintenance costs over a stretch of the LOSP with less traffic.  The most active stretch of the parkway for vehicle traffic is from Lake Avenue in Rochester to Rte 272, Monroe-Orleans County Line Road.  The stretch from Rte 272 to Rte 98 has had 35% less traffic as determined by studies over the period 2000-2009.  Needless to say, some of that decline in traffic could be related to the previously poor conditions of the parkway from Hamlin Beach State Park to Rte 98.  We are not sure of whether having been studies of traffic activity since the Parkway was repaired 2 years ago.

The committee was made up of representatives of Orleans County, Genesee Transportation Council, NYSDOT, NYS Office of Parks, and the towns of Carlton and Kendall.  A few public reviews of this committee had been conducted over the years attended by several OONA members.

They have developed and studied 4 options:

  1. Retain Existing LOSP:  This would require a modification to shoulder width, but otherwise no change to the LOSP from Lake Avenue to Lakeside State Park, west of Rte 98.  The 30 year cost estimate of construction, annual maintenance, etc. ranges from $44.2M-$65.1M.  NYSDOT rates this options re cost implications as Highway=High; and Structures=High.
  2. Alternative NYS Rte 18 Access to Lakeside Beach State Park:  Decommission all LOSP lanes west of Rte 98, west and eastbound.  Remove LOSP bridges over Oak Orchard River and Lakeside State Park.  And, retain LOSP as is from Lake Avenue to Rte 98. This project would require access to Lakeside Beach State Park via
    Rte 18, and the replacement of the Rte 18 bridge over the Oak Orchard River. The 30-year cost estimate of construction, annual maintenance, etc. ranges from $37.2M-$56.1M.  NYSDOT rates this option re: cost implications as Highway=Low to Medium; and Structures=Low.
  3. Modify LOSP:  Decommission westbound 2 lanes of LOSP between Rte 98 and Lakeside Park.  Designate eastbound lanes as a 2-lane, 2-way entrance to Lakeside Beach State Park, with a “gateway” starting at
    Rte 98, which would have an overall cost of $16.4M.  Retain LOSP as is from Lake Avenue to Rte 98.    The
    30-year cost estimate of construction, annual maintenance, etc. ranges from $39.4M-$59.3M.  NYSDOT rates this option re: cost implications as Highway=Low to Medium; and Structures=Medium.
  4. Conversion of LOSP to Two-Lane Parkway:  Decommission westbound 2 lanes of LOSP between W Kendall Rd and Lakeside Beach State Park.  Convert eastbound 2 lanes to 2-way traffic.  Remove both bridges over Oak Orchard River, Peter Smith bridge, West Kendall bridge. Both bridges over Lakeside Beach State Park.  The 30-year cost estimate of construction, annual maintenance, etc. ranges from $32.0M-$41.0M.  NYSDOT rates this option re cost implications as Highway=Low to Medium; and Structures=Medium.

There are other amenities that have been proposed that are not included in the estimated costs of each of the LOSP concepts:  incorporating public access and scenic overlooks at appropriate places along LOSP; incorporate natural habitat areas along LOSP.

For detailed information about the development of the concepts, refer to the Draft Report in the Document section at this link:   https://publicinput.com/Customer/File/Full/707508fd-f9be-4560-abd6-79d875551397 On Monday, March 15th at 6 PM there will be a Virtual Public Meeting seeking input on the four conceptual recommendations.  Go to https://publicinput.com/LOSPFeasibilityStudy if you would like to watch and listen, or, dial 855-925-2801 Meeting Code:  8917 to listen and speak live.